Monday, June 30, 2008

Simple but yummy dinner

It was just the girls and I for dinner tonight so I decided something simple would be good. It's so funny when you make something easy and simple how much the kids rave about it. I kept hearing "mmmm" and Diva kept saying, "mommy you should make this all the time, I love it all." Alright then. I was going to link to a ravioli post that I did earlier but either I forgot and never posted or I just can't find it. Oh well, I make these ravioli with won ton wrappers and I freeze some uncooked ones to keep on hand for fast meals. When ready I just boil them and toss with a simple browned butter cream sauce with thyme. Which is what you see above. The vegetables are so simple. The first time I had zucchini and corn like that was during a camping trip when I was a little girl.
I add fresh garlic to mine, but other than that it's a very simple side dish. Diva asked if she could have leftovers for breakfast tomorrow, so I think it's safe to say she liked it.
On a side note, loving the new camera, and I got new dishes, they are so pretty! They were a bargain too at the outlet mall!

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