Friday, May 30, 2008

Pineapple Prep 101

OK here's a quickie before I update some albums. I am not trying to insult anyone but this is a tutorial for the girl's book, so here it is. Another reason I love DH when he married me he watched my dad cut pineapple and now he cuts it for me LOL. Too bad he wasn't home to do this one. UPDATED- See here for the updated post ;).

Let's get going...

First off, get a good knife, even if you will never use it for pineapple, get a good knife. Everyone should have one. These are the ones we have, I recommend them!
Anyway, get a nice ripe pineapple. Cut off the top green stuff and the bottom base.

Slice off the skin, leave as much flesh as you can. Flesh that sounds odd, let's say fruit from now on ok?

Now put the fruit on it's side and with the knife at an angle near some of the eyes cut a slit far enough down to pass the eye, I don't know if they are called eyes, but there you go.

Place the knife on the other side of the angle you just cut. Cut into that side at an angle to remove the eyes.

Keep going, the funny thing about it is you always end up with a spiral...

like this...

Now stand it up and slice off fruit around the core. Don't throw out the core, my girls love me to put corn picks on them so they can eat around it like corn on the cob.

Now just cut the fruit into whatever size pieces you want.
Great eaten plain, in smoothies, in lemonade, in fruit salads...


  1. That's how my mom cuts a pineapple too! I always thought it looked so pretty with spirals.

  2. That's how you cut a pineapple!!!!

  3. I've been doing it wrong all this time, I always thought they were a bit difficult to cut up I must admit!


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