Saturday, May 10, 2008

Nutella Won tons

So easy, so goooddddd.

Nutella Chocolate hazelnut spread
Won ton wrappers
Oil for frying

Place a little bit of Nutella in the middle of a won ton wrapper.

Wet the edges with a little bit of water using your finger tip.

Fold two corners together and gently press out any air and seal the edges.

I folded mine again to make little boat like won tons but it's optional.

Fry them in 350-375 degree oil until browned.

Easy peasy.

You can sprinkle them with powdered sugar if you'd like.

1 comment:

  1. I think I might regret reading this. Got a fresh jar of Nutella hidden in the cabinet - I wonder how long it takes a frozen pack of wrappers to thaw?


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